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“단기간 스트레스 33%↓” 스트레스솔루션-강남구청, ‘스트레스 프리데이’ 개최

스트레스솔루션, 김천대학교 간호학과 학생 대상 기업탐방 성료

스트레스솔루션-딜라이트룸, 수면 관련 공동 연구 MOU 체결

스트레스솔루션, '2024 대전 사운드 워킹 힐링하개' 성료

빅데이터로 공황발작 예측…스트레스솔루션, 중기부 팁스 선정

스트레스솔루션-대전관광공사, ’2024 대전 사운드 워킹 힐링하개’ 개최

스트레스솔루션, 청소년 대상 기부 프로젝트 진행

스트레스솔루션, ‘SKT ESG Korea Startup’ 데모데이서 기술 선보여

스트레스솔루션, 비래키키 카페에 힐링비트 기술 R&D 공간 조성

대전맹학교 시각장애인 대상 기부 프로젝트 진행

Stress Solution establishes joint venture in China...starts total stress care service

‘Stress Solution’, a customized hearing solution development, attracts 500 million won seed investment

Signed an MOU with Stress Solution and the Happiness Sharing Foundation to ‘vitalize Jeju wellness tourism’

“Let’s take away the stress” A unique competition held by a startup… 620,000 YouTubers won

[Sleep Tech 2023] ‘Healing Beat’ discovered by Sleep Tech reduces stress by 150%... Great response to selection of ‘Stress Zero King’

Healing Beat signed an MOU with Gyeryong Bookstore to apply Healing Beat to customized music content heard at bookstores

Stress Solution introduced ‘Healing Beat’ solution at ‘2022 Korea Software Daejeon’

Stress Solution, signed an agreement with the Korea Visiting Nurses Association... Healing Beat provides customized solutions

Stress Solution Co., Ltd. conducts ‘Healing Beat’ solution to relieve youth stress at Bizcool Festival

Stress Solution launches ‘Healing Beat’ project for people with developmental disabilities

Stress solution 'Healing Beat' won the grand prize at '2022 Science Startup Show'

Stress solution ‘Healing Beat’ won the Excellence Award at the ‘2022 Chengdu-Chongqing Music Plus Innovation Startup Competition’

Stress solution, donation project underway for people with developmental disabilities

Stress Solution signs a business agreement to provide healing beats with Grantin Hospital in China

Stress Solution Co., Ltd. provides ‘Healing Beat, a post-traumatic stress management solution for firefighters’

Sleeping Lion-Stress Solution, partner based on sound content clinical trials to develop digital therapeutics
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