With my own sound [Healing Beats],
the only one in the world We will
create a stress-free world
Next-generation digital treatment device based on artificial intelligence medical data Customized hearing solution using sound sensing technology
Stress solution Healing Beats

Stress Solution Co., Ltd. is a company that develops customized sounds based on heart rate (BPM) and electrocardiogram (Waveform). Based on safe and high-quality sound and spatial sound application technology, it has grown into the best sound marketing company in Korea. With the development of customized sounds, we are providing solutions that increase the brand value of our customers, including services that help relieve stress, improve the quality of sleep, and improve concentration beyond stress measurement.
company name
Establishment date
business information
Stress Solution Co., Ltd.
Bae Ik-ryeol
Corporate Sound Marketing Consulting
Development and application of corporate brand sound
Spatial sound management service
Product development and sales using corporate brand sound
Enterprise stress measurement and analysis
stress management consulting
삼성 C-LAB outside 선정 MWC 2025 전시회
본사 이전(서울 강남취창업허브센터) 벤처기업인증 기업부설연구소 설립(대전) SKT NDA 계약 체결 LG전자 NDA 계약 체결 딜라이트룸 NDA 계약 체결 및 공동 임상시험연구 진행 시어도어 루즈벨트한국지회 업무협약(MOU) 체결 2024년 TIPS 선정(한국투자액셀러레이터) 중소벤처기업부 창업성장기술개발사업(디딤돌) 선정 중소벤처기업부 지역특화산업지원사업 선정(R&D) SKT ESG KOREA 2024 선정 IBK창공 6기 선정 SKT 교육기관 대상 시범사업 운영 SK행복나눔재단 프로젝트D 3차 기부 프로젝트 운영 대전관광공사 대전 반려동물 동반 여행 프로그램 '힐링하개' 운영 SKT V-컬러링 서비스 론칭
Stress Solutions Inc. History
We are implementing a stress reduction project in Korea that values the process rather than the result, respects the marginalized, and builds up the weak.
Signed NDA contract with KT Korea Telecom (KT) Signed NDA contract with Obigo Co., Ltd. Collaborative clinical trial research with Kosleep sleep specialist hospital Uijeongbu Eulji University Hospital Brain Nervous Center joint clinical trial research Signed MOU with Gyeryong Book Center Acuris business agreement (MOU) signed Sleeping Lion Business Agreement (MOU) signed Signature H business agreement (MOU) signed Round Coffee Business Agreement (MOU) signed
Establishment of Stress Solution Co., Ltd. Social Venture Company Certification Innovation Launched Healing Beat Offline Space Zone Non-Rackiki Selected as an innovative bio health BIG3 project by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups Small Business Technology Information Promotion Agency Entrepreneurship Growth Technology Development Project Selection Selected as a sports jump package support project by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Selected as G-star Dreamers business Selected as SK Happiness Foundation CSAP project SK hynix Happiness Gather Close Support Project for Improving Health for the Disabled
Awarded the grand prize from the Minister of Science and ICT 'Soundwave Healing Beat' Selected as an initial start-up package by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups Selected as a technology convergence social venture start-up support by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups Daejeon Urban Corporation Healing Beat hearing solution progress Firefighting central school training and healing beat hearing solution progress Korea Esai Partner Selected Business Agreement (MOU) Selected as a partner for Hanwha Life Insurance Signed MOU Seoul Sports Science Center Brand Sound Development and Management Development and management of Olympic national athlete brand sound Caring dream business agreement (MOU) signed
Korea Stress Relief Establishment Selected as a preliminary start-up package by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups Social Impact Entrepreneurship Competition Grand Prize Joint research & business agreement with Bodyfriend Co., Ltd. Korean Stress Society Excellent Research Award Entrepreneurship is a trend Awarded the grand prize by the Small and Medium Business Administration Korea University KU Technology Entrepreneurship Competition Excellence Award
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) R&D in the field of medicine and pharmacy
Korean Society of Nursing Science Excellent Paper Presentation (Oral Presentation) Award
Korean Stress Society Healing Beat Excellent Research Award
Headquarters: Techno Park 904, 119 Jungang-ro, Jung-gu, Daejeon
Seoul: Korea Investment Accelerator, 3rd floor, 557 Yeoksam-ro, Gangnam-gu
G Valley Startup Welfare Center, 120 Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu
Branch: 27-1, Hyeonggokseo-ro 1-gil, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
R&D Plaza : 47-12 Biraegol-gil, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon

with the stress solution